Section: 职责 and Responsibilities of the Board

适用性: This Policy applies to each member of the 校董会 and to 指定的人员s. 所有其他员工都必须遵守 利益冲突政策.00.

目的:本政策的目的是提高领导层的透明度,提高公众对董事会和员工诚信的信心. While the College acknowledges that its leaders may be involved in the affairs of other organizations, it remains crucial to address actual and Perceived or Potential Conflicts of Interest. It is with these thoughts in mind that the 校董会 has adopted this 道德守则.


“Business Agreement” means any agreement, 合同, or other business relationship which legally and 合同ually binds or obligates the College including, 但不限于, 货物采购协议, 服务, 不动产, 租赁, 关系的协议, 销售协议, 授予合同, 谅解备忘录, 函件及安排协议, 和承诺.

“利益冲突”是指财务或个人考虑损害个人客观性的任何情况, 职业判断, 职业操守或履行学院职责的能力,包括实际的利益冲突和感知的或潜在的利益冲突.

“指定的人员” means the following College employees:

  • 总统
  • 执行副总裁
  • 副总统
  • 助理副总裁
  • 执行董事
  • Directors with significant oversight of purchasing and/or 合同ing.

“家庭成员”指, for the purposes of this Policy 和 Disclosure Form for 受托人s and 指定的人员s, 配偶, 家长, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子, or any other relative or partner who resides in the same household as the 受托人 or 指定的人员.

“Perceived or Potential Conflict of Interest” occurs when, although there is no actual Conflict of Interest, the circumstances are such that a reasonable person might question whether an individual’s objectivity, 职业判断, professional integrity or ability to perform responsibilities for the College are compromised.


I. 受托责任受托人和指定人员为公众信托服务,并有明确的义务以符合这一事实的方式履行其职责. 董事会的所有决定和这些指定官员提出的建议都是基于促进学院的最佳利益和公众利益的愿望而做出的. The College's integrity must be protected and advanced at all times.

The following non-exclusive list provides examples of situations that often give rise to actual, Perceived or Potential Conflicts of Interest when a 受托人 or 指定的人员:

  1. Has an ownership interest in an entity with which the College does business;
  2. 从与学院有业务往来的实体或个人那里获得可观的工资或其他报酬;
  3. 接受与学院有业务往来的实体或个人的重大个人礼品或个人折扣;
  4. 是一名军官, director or other key decision maker for an entity with which the College does business:
  5. Receives significant 佣金 or 费用 as part of an outside business from a customer or client with which the College also does business; or
  6. 是否有家庭成员或亲密的个人关系符合上述类别之一.

Additionally, Conflicts of Interest may arise in other circumstances, such as those described in the 约会和关系政策.02裙带关系政策.01, and such circumstances will be addressed in accordance with those policies.

II. 利益披露: Although most Perceived or Potential Conflicts of Interest are and will be deemed inconsequential, 受托人s and 指定的人员s shall disclose Perceived or Potential Conflicts of Interest, as well as actual Conflicts of Interest. In determining whether an interest needs to be disclosed, 受托人和指定管理人员应谨慎行事,并广泛地解释本政策,以支持披露, and may seek guidance from the College Office of General Counsel, 董事会主席(就受托人而言), and 总统 (in the case of 指定的人员s).

  1. 所有受托人和指定人员都必须每年审查本道德准则,并填写《赌钱app可以微信提现》,以确定在其他组织中的利益以及其他已知或潜在的利益冲突, 如表格所载. 此表格必须在每年4月15日之后和4月30日之前填写并提交给董事会主席和秘书. 如果任命或选举发生在4月30日之后,新的受托人和指定官员必须在就职后15天内提交披露表.
  2. If a 受托人 or 指定的人员 is uncertain whether to disclose a particular interest or relationship, 受托人或指定管理人员应牢记本道德准则的目的,并咨询总法律顾问办公室.
  3. 受托人和指定管理人员有责任在本年度内,一旦出现新的重大利益或已察觉或潜在的利益冲突,及时更新披露表.
  4. Disclosure Forms are subject to public inspection.

3. 协议、合同和采购当存在实际利益冲突或感知到的或潜在的利益冲突时,受托人和指定官员不得故意代表学院促进或签订商业协议, including in the following circumstances:

  1. 受托人 or 指定的人员 is employed by or is the other party to the Business Agreement.
  2. 受托人, 指定的人员, or a Family Member held an equitable interest of more than $5,000 or 5% of the other party to the Business Agreement at any time in the preceding 12 months.
  3. 受托人, 指定的人员, or a Family Member received at least $2,应税补偿(工资), 佣金, 费用, 等.) in the preceding tax year from the other party to the Business Agreement.
  4. 受托人, 指定的人员, 或家庭成员在过去12个月内从商业协议另一方收到至少500美元的礼物, 除非礼物是由于私人关系,并且明显不是为了影响该员工在学院的正式职责.
  5. 受托人, 指定的人员, or a Family Member holds a key decision-making position with the other party to the Business Agreement (e.g., officer, director, partner, executive, proprietor, 等.).

IV. 礼物: 受托人s and 指定的人员s who participate in approving or selecting vendors, 产品和承包商或参与形成业务协议的人应避免接受来自外部个人和实体的大额礼品和个人折扣,这些个人和实体是这些业务协议的现有或潜在供应商和承包商,如果一个合理的人显然会推断出捐赠者的意图是影响受托人或指定官员的正式学院职责. 偶尔吃饭, 饮料和其他非奢侈的礼物是可以接受的,只要它们不是为了影响受托人或指定官员代表学院的官方行动.

我们鼓励受托人及指定职员考虑将任何馈赠或收益捐赠给学院或基金会. 由于学院购买而收到的礼物通常应被视为送给学院而不是任何个人的礼物. 给学院的金钱礼物, whether directly or indirectly through one of its 受托人s or employees, shall be subject to the External Funds Policy 212.05.

V. 参与限制: If a 受托人 or has an actual or significant Perceived or Potential Conflict of Interest, 受托人应避免不恰当地影响学院对该业务项目的决策过程. 具体地说, the 受托人 must refrain from all of the following acts: (a) participating in related Board discussions, (b)提出建议, (c) negotiating terms or 合同ual provisions and (d) voting on that item. 在某些情况下, 受托人可被要求离开, 由董事会主席(或副主席,如果主席有实际或重大的感知或潜在的利益冲突)决定, 在讨论公事的时候, 协商和/或付诸表决. If a 指定的人员 has an actual or Perceived or Potential Conflict of Interest, 该个人不得参与学院有关该业务项目的决策过程. In determining whether a 指定的人员 shall refrain from participation, the 指定的人员 should consider all relevant facts and circumstances should be considered, 包括合同价格是否由法律规定,或者交易是否将完全和完全根据竞争性招标程序进行, 在这种情况下, 被认为存在利益冲突或潜在利益冲突的指定官员仍可被允许参与流程的某些部分.

VI. 无就业资格: In accordance with Kansas Statute 71-1403(d), no member of the 校董会 shall be an employee of the College.

7. 违反受托人若被发现违反本《哪个app可以赌足球》或《赌钱app可以微信提现》,可能会受到谴责决议的约束. A 指定的人员 found to be in violation of this 道德守则 may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment, in accordance with College personnel policies.

修正:10/03/1996, 10/21/2004, 07/14/2005, 08/08/2006, 02/24/2010, 01/18/2018, 11/17/2022, 07/20/2023